April 8, 2012

Fried Carrot Cake

Sunday lunch....

500 g   ready made carrot rice cake, cut in cubes
2          eggs lightly beaten
2          cloves of chopped garlic
2 tbsp   菜脯 (preserved radish)
1 tbsp   fish sauce
1 tbsp   light soy sauce
Pinch of sugar
3 tbsp   cooking oil
Spring onion
1) Soak preserved radish in a bowl of water for 5 minutes. Drain well and squeeze to dry.  Keep for later.
2) Heat wok with 2 tablespoons of oil over high heat.  Add in diced carrot cake and fried until lightly browned and set aside.
3) Heat wok with 1 tablespoon of oil over high heat.  Add in garlic and 菜脯stir fry till fragrant.
4) Add in carrot cake and stir fry to well combine. 

5) Add in fish sauce, stir fry a few times, followed by adding of light soy sauce and sugar. Stir fry to combine well.
6) Beat eggs in a small bowl. Add it into the carrot cake. Let the eggs set a little before stirring and cook until golden browned.  Garnish with spring onion and serve hot.

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